Get younger at any age!
with Dr. Sanna Ehdin online courses
Ready to feel really great? Here is solid, effective advices and proven protocols in online courses that has improved health for thousands of health clients the last years. • • • Make your own health a priority, and your life will improve fast!
Du får ett väl genomtänkt dag-för-dag program för att skapa balans i din kropp. Då tarmens hälsa är kroppens hälsa ligger fokus på att flusha & detoxa samt örter. Ge dig själv en nystart! INTRODUKTIONSPRIS 555 kr (ordinarie 995 kr)
599 kr
FlushDetox™ onlinekurs hjälper din tarm och kropp att rensa ut toxiner och inflammation (svullnad). Det kan enkelt göras på en helg. NYTT program: 4 veckor till god hälsa! Gör när det passar dig – ge din kropp en nystart!
299 kr
FlushDetox™ online course helps your gut and body clear out toxins and inflammation (swelling). It can easily be done on a weekend. NEW program: 4 weeks to good health! Do it when it suits you - give your body a fresh start! Cost is USD 29, Euro 27
299 kr
Är du redo att må riktigt bra? Du kan själv skapa en riktigt god hälsa hemma via onlinekurser & coaching. Du får konkreta, handfasta råd och beprövade protokoll som tillför och förbättrar snabbt. De har hjälpt tusentals personer de senaste åren. • • • Sätt hög prioritet på din egen hälsa och ditt liv förbättras fort!
“Sanna's Fasting Book is a must for anyone interested in exploring well-being through a recurring daily fast. The benefits of performing a safe, thorough and effective fast to get beauty and inner well-being, are well documented. I have personally tried Dr Sanna Ehdin’s WASS – water fasting method, and it covers a lot and is in-depth, easy to follow and promoting.”
“This book is a fantastic summary of everything you want to know about fasting. Well-founded in facts and science, it introduces the concept of fasting so that it is suitable for anyone who is curious about testing. Really just in time, and a great tool for anyone looking to improve their health.”
“Sanna's Fast Book is a comprehensive guide to long-term better health and quality of life by fasting. Dr Sanna describes a historical context to fasting, the body and soul's need for purification and the renewal that fasting gives. You are shown how to implement her WASS fasting method, which is a simple and effective way to a healthier life.”
“One of the major health problems in the Western world is food: what and how we eat and too large portions. Without a well-functioning digestion, it is difficult to build long-term sustainable health. New research on fasting sheds light on the link between an overloaded system and deteriorating health, so the knowledge in Sanna's book is much in need. ”
“Over the past decade, fasting has come back into focus. In Sanna's fasting book, I am impressed by how Sanna Ehdin masters her subject in both breadth and depth. I was impressed by the book’s scientific level as well as the cultural and historical education about the importance of fasting. Her fasting book is one of the most well written and best books I have ever read in the field of health.”
“The Self-Healing Human is a glorious, inspiring, practical guide for anyone seeking better health. Well researched and warmly written, The Self-Healing Human deserves a wide readership.”
“Bravo for the Self Healing Human! By recognizing the power of the mind, body and spirit, Dr. Ehdin brings to light the missing pieces of today's health care system.”
“An amazing book! The Self-Healing Human is one of the best books on keeping ourselves healthy. Some call it the future; in this book, the future is now.”
2015 before fasting
I was swollen, IBS, SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), was heavy in body, often tired and lacking energy with steadily increasing sensitivity to my environment.
2020 After 3 months of WASS
WASS - Water fasting Sanna Special - Makes you younger physically and mentally! Have calm and cleansed intestines, high and steady energy and it is like getting a new body. Greatly improved sleep, weight loss, happier, brighter, and feeling energetic.
”Dr Sanna's Fasting Book” is one of the most well-written and best books I have read within health. – Ralf Sundberg, MD surgeon, ass professor
What I feed, grows • What I practice, strengthens • What I think, manifests • What I feel, is attracted • What I believe, I create. - Dr. Sanna Ehdin
”I am on a mission to inspire and educate people about gut health, self-healing, waterfasting and holistic & healthy lifestyle choices. Via my online courses, videos and books I educate people to become their own self-healer. Easy, low cost health protocol for a sustainable health maintainance – ie. "At home Health" is the way to go. Because great health is a fresh produce! This is the Future happening now - so come along!” ✨
About Dr. Sanna Ehdin: With her 46 years in health and research, Sanna is a pioneer of the modern Swedish health movement, initiating it with the classic The Self-Healing Human (1999). Since then she has published 16 bestselling books (being dyslexic), lectured to more than 100,000 people and done 500 magazine interviews and podcasts.
Dr Sanna Ehdin, PhD (immunology) at Lund University, Sweden in 1988, and did post-doctoral research at Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California (1989-92). After 13 years she left a research position to study self-healing and holistic health as an independent scientist.
Sanna was born and raised in Sweden and has traveled widely during her life, being a digital nomad the last 15 years. She lived ten years in southern California and 7 years in Western Australia.
"Just as a plant begins to grow from getting sunlight, water and nutrition, a person will grow and change when she practices loving self care, eats nutritious food and connects strongly with Life force energy." — Sanna Ehdin
Note: Fasting is not for everyone.
Your Soul/Spirit is timeless, and so is your body…
“I am 63 years of age going on 44! Follow me if you want to be 100 years old with the health, vitality and stamina of a person much younger. This is possible with a healthy lifestyle and fasting*.
I have the tools to make your healthy dreams come true! YOUNGEVITY
the World. Dr. Sanna makes it easy for you to accomplish!